Things to Write About Intgrity in a Self Review

Performance review isan essential tool for accelerating your team'southward growth. So, every bit a manager, information technology'south not just what you lot say, it'southward also how you say it can brand the performance review effective and effective.

Awkward conversations. Managerial monologues. Mixed messages. Vague statements. Defensive reactions. All likewise frequently, operation review meetings betwixt managers and employees devolve to include some or all of the above.

The good news is that if managers take a structured and balanced approach to functioning reviews – and set adequately in advance – these issues tin exist avoided.

So, read on and learn how to build constructive performance reviews around the post-obit primal phrases. And if you lot're an employee, these phrases can help you ease your nextcocky-evaluation.

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i. Overall performance review phrases

Hither are examples of high-level summaries or overall overviews for two very different employees: Tom – an exceptional performer – and Jane – who has multiple areas for improvement:

Meets expectations

  • Tom has demonstrated the value he adds to the team and consistently exceeds expectations in all aspects of his task performance.
  • He shows attention to item and delivers work of an exceptional standard. Tom is a strong team player and has gained the respect of both his colleagues and senior stakeholders.
  • He has responded admirably to irresolute and sometimes challenging situations, always retaining his professional demeanor and positive attitude.
  • Despite operating in a demanding and high-force per unit area environment, Tom has proactively sought opportunities to abound and learn new skills.

Does non encounter expectations

  • Jane seems to be struggling to grasp and arrange to some of the requirements and expectations of her office. Her demeanor in the office is somewhat negative, affecting her team's morale and cartoon criticism from senior stakeholders and colleagues.
  • Jane does non show a sense of urgency in meeting deadlines and delivering work of a high standard. Piece of work is often left unfinished and of poor quality. Her timekeeping is somewhat haphazard, and she seems reluctant to follow procedures.
  • It is recommended that Jane engage in some training and mentoring support to assist her in building the skills and capabilities she lacks.

In the sections that follow, we'll look at some of the about common areas in which employees are frequently evaluated. For each, we'll offer some sample phrases that you can include and/or customize.

ii. Performance review phrases about quality of piece of work

While this is one of the nearly critical requirements when reviewing an employee's chore functioning, it's one of the nigh difficult to evaluate. For this reason, the words and expressions y'all use should exist advisedly chosen. These phrases will be useful to depict on when evaluating a person's quality of work:

Meets expectations

  • Item-oriented and results-driven.
  • Settle but for delivering services of high quality to customers.
  • The quality of the results delivered has contributed to the visitor's reputation and lesser line.
  • Be trusted to evangelize high-quality work on time, every time.
  • Invest extra time in projects to ensure that all deliverables are of a loftier standard.
  • Exist committed to always finding new ways to deliver better value.
  • Set uncommonly high standards.
  • Quality of work exceeds expectations on every occasion.
  • Committed to producing the very all-time work at all times.
  • Consummate tasks thoroughly and beyond expectations.

Does non run across expectations

  • Delivers an inconsistent quality of work.
  • Fail to respond to colleagues' requests or client complaints.
  • Fail to demonstrate a commitment to quality.
  • Turn in work that is beneath par.
  • Assignments are poorly idea through and often full of errors.
  • Non follow the company'southward procedures and policies.
  • Expect others to terminate incomplete tasks.
  • Get out work before all agreed tasks are completed.
  • Not follow established processes.

three. Performance review phrases about chore knowledge

Employees who accept rich knowledge about what their job entails and what is required of them are the nigh productive. Use this list to guide your word almost how well you rate an employee'due south job knowledge:

Meets expectations

Grove HR - Performance review phrases about job knowledge

  • Approach technical challenges with a good eye.
  • Utilise skills to boost the company'southward quarterly revenue numbers.
  • Use technical knowledge creatively to solve problems.
  • Saved project Ten from failure past proposing a new technical approach.
  • Explicate technical subjects to peers in a relatable manner.
  • Build the team's knowledge base past sharing expertise on technical issues.
  • Apply expertise creatively.
  • Can take theoretical concepts and apply them to applied challenges.
  • Detect solutions to longstanding issues through their technological insights.
  • Translate technical information into user-friendly language.

Does not run into expectations

  • Cling to outdated solutions.
  • Offering inaccurate technical data or specifications.
  • Respond questions using disruptive, overly technical linguistic communication.
  • Unwilling to offer technical assistance to less-experienced team members.
  • The technical skills set is inappropriate for the tasks at hand.
  • Blueprint flawed solutions that crave meaning rework.
  • Unwilling to recertify with up-to-date qualifications.
  • Ignore opportunities to expand expertise.
  • Not stay up to date with industry trends and developments.
  • Allow technical details to overshadow the customer'due south business trouble.

four. Performance review phrases about initiative

Initiative is an essential trait of high-performing people. Employees with initiative stand up out from their peers through their willingness to act without being asked to. Here are some phrases that you can draw on when evaluating and discussing your employees' levels of initiative:

Meets expectations

  • Proactively seek out new tasks to work on.
  • Work well without any supervision.
  • Be able to gear up goals and priorities and accomplish them.
  • Flexible approach to accommodate shifting priorities.
  • Observe new, creative ways to overcome challenges.
  • Take pride in completing projects on time.
  • Ever on the spotter for new ways to improve and evangelize value.
  • A champion of new ideas and approaches.
  • Willing to embrace new opportunities and take on additional tasks.
  • Communicate with all stakeholders to ensure the job gets done.

Does not meet expectations

  • Over-sold capabilities in job application/interview.
  • Crave constant supervision, or else specific tasks do not get completed.
  • Resist learning any new skills or improving existing ones.
  • Hard to inspire to take on new challenges.
  • Rarely add together value to projects across the basics of what is required.
  • Cannot cope under pressure or adjust to new or unfamiliar tasks or circumstances.
  • Shy away from making decisions.
  • Neglect to come up with new ideas or solutions to problems.
  • Has difficulty setting priorities.
  • Often start projects without thorough upfront planning.

5. Performance review phrases about advice

It's vital that people have skilful written and verbal communications skills. Simply it goes beyond that: communication is also about people'southward attitudes and willingness to cooperate and share information, insights, and learnings with others. Here are some performance appraisal phrases that you can utilize when reviewing an employee's ability to communicate:

Meets expectations

  • Go along all stakeholders up to speed on projects' condition.
  • Accept and share notes and updates regularly.
  • Ask questions and shares information with the rest of the squad.
  • Ensure questions are clarified earlier taking actions that will touch on outcomes.
  • Communicate effectively and conspicuously with direct reports then that they always know what is expected of them.
  • Regularly engage with customers directly to hear their thoughts and feedback.
  • Ensure that everyone understands the goals of a specific project and shares regular updates.
  • An effective listener and takes fourth dimension to understand what others are saying.
  • Facilitate conversations with team members that bring out new ideas and solutions to problems.
  • Exist able to clear complex, technical concepts in manifestly language.

Does non meet expectations

  • Gets defensive if questioned or given constructive feedback or criticism.
  • Likewise introverted, which impacts effective teamwork.
  • Avoid conversations with management and superiors.
  • Fail to continue team members updated on important project developments.
  • Not communicate with others as they feel it is non necessary as long as the job is washed.
  • Never ask for help.
  • Unwilling to talk to customers who have a trouble.
  • Become overly intimidated if asked to make a presentation or speak in forepart of the team.
  • Written communication skills are sub-optimal.
  • Poor e-mail etiquette.

six. Performance review phrases nearly teamwork

When teams piece of work effectively together, they deliver results more quickly, which impacts the business organisation'southward overall performance. Bear in mind, notwithstanding, that some people are not natural squad players and may demand to be guided and coached. Here are some useful phrases that can help yous express your feedback to people in this area:

Meets expectations

  • Listen to others without interrupting.
  • Invite ideas and suggestions from team members to solve challenging issues.
  • Encourage thought-sharing and initiative.
  • Ever ask what the team is doing to ensure everyone is engaged.
  • Respect the ideas and input of other team members.
  • Offering workable solutions to any problems faced by the squad.
  • E'er congratulate team members who do well.
  • Encourage and motivate fifty-fifty the well-nigh reluctant squad members.
  • Be a positive influence on all team members and leads past case, which improves the squad's morale.
  • Solve team conflicts in a calm and mature manner.

Does not meet expectations

  • Fail to mind to what other team members have to say.
  • Interrupt people when they are talking.
  • Publicly criticize team members and make them wait bad.
  • Unwilling to help if needed, which impacts overall team performance.
  • Instigate arguments with others.
  • Reluctant to work or share ideas with others.
  • Go far late to squad meetings.
  • Ever get out early fifty-fifty if the residuum of the squad is working late.
  • Only worry nearly their ain needs and happiness.
  • Have credit for other people's work.

vii. Performance review phrases about integrity

Another area that you may be asked to reflect on is integrity. Integrity involves consistently upholding strong moral and ethical concern values. Employees that do the right matter and are honest contribute to an organisation's ability to build a strong reputation in their market. Below, nosotros've listed some useful phrases to consider using when evaluating people's integrity:

Meets expectations

  • Highly organized and good at prioritizing what is important.
  • Always strive to keep commitments.
  • Be highly truthful and honest in all dealings.
  • Ever practice what is right.
  • Never betray their principles and company'south core values
  • Demonstrate trustworthiness.
  • Proceed promises.
  • Follow ethical concern practices and company's policies
  • Respect confidentiality.
  • Avoid office gossip.

Does non meet expectations

  • Accept breaks if not being watched.
  • Make excuses to go out piece of work early.
  • Normally gossip and make things upward about the visitor or team members.
  • Blame co-workers for their mistakes.
  • Speak rudely to inferior/senior team members.
  • Make unkind personal remarks.
  • Lie to other members of the team.
  • Break the rules.
  • Let personal biases influence important concern decisions.
  • Withhold of import information from the manager to avoid disciplinary action.

Grove HR - Performance review phrases about integrity

8. Operation review phrases about professionalism

Professionalism is an surface area that covers a broad range of behaviors and attitudes but also extends to bug such every bit the way a person dresses and their personal hygiene and tidiness. Examples of performance review phrases that you can depict on to make up one's mind the overall professionalism of an employee are given below:

Meets expectations

  • Have an first-class piece of work ethic and an engaging personality.
  • Display a professional demeanor even when nether pressure level.
  • Welcome challenges and work on them diligently.
  • Our customers regularly inquire to speak to this person by name.
  • Strive for excellence in everything they practise.
  • Not engage in illegal or unethical business practices.
  • Energetic and artistic.
  • Have setbacks in their stride.
  • Splendid work ethic.
  • Polite and professional in every fashion.

Does not encounter expectations

  • Cannot separate personal life from work.
  • Poor hygiene standards.
  • Dress as well informally for a work environment.
  • Not take activeness to amend their performance.
  • Frequently get in late at work.
  • Unwilling to broaden their horizons.
  • Be disrespectful to leadership backside their backs.
  • Exist unwelcoming to new team members.
  • Neglect to continue the workspace tidy.
  • Go aroused and emotional in stressful situations.

9. Performance review phrases about leadership

Developing constructive leaders is among the top challenges for today'southward businesses. Existence a stiff leader goes beyond just leading teams and assigning people tasks. It involves fostering a strong team civilisation, ensuring people are given opportunities for growth, and resolving conflicts in a at-home and mature manner. Apply the following phrases to evaluate the leadership capabilities:

Meets expectations

  • Bring people together to create a high-operation team.
  • The department they manage is recognized for its excellent operation.
  • Encourage individuals to embrace challenges with enthusiasm.
  • Structure tasks and projects to further strengthen teamwork among members.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Testify empathy to people experiencing personal or professional challenges.
  • Ensure they develop and apply individuals' unique talents and strengths.
  • Set both achievable and aggressive expectations.
  • Guide and support people towards achieving goals.
  • Maintain open advice channels.

Does not see expectations

  • Hypocritical: does not set a positive example through their actions and words.
  • Sow discord and disharmony within previously well-functioning teams.
  • Offer no recognition or rewards for a job well washed.
  • Remain physically distant from employees.
  • Frequently unavailable for extended periods.
  • Monopolize the conversation during meetings and does non invite team members' ideas.
  • Cultivate a civilisation of fear.
  • Not listen to other squad member's ideas and feedback
  • Communicate aggressively and through reprimands.
  • Prioritize their own needs and career aspirations.

x. Functioning review phrases almost problem-solving

Employing people with stiff problem-solving skills gives companies a means to continually create new, more relevant ways to evangelize value. But exist mindful that not every employee is a natural trouble-solver. It requires a alloy of proactivity, creativity, and self-confidence. Consider these performance review phrases when evaluating the problem-solving skills:

Meets expectations

Grove HR - Performance review phrases about problem-solving

  • Evaluate challenges from all angles before deciding on a way forward.
  • Open to collaborating with peers to explore solutions to issues.
  • Resolves client complaints professionally and promptly.
  • Exist decisive when making decisions and so stick to them.
  • Take full responsibility for whatever bug of their assigned tasks
  • Tackle problems in a creative and analytical way.
  • Stay calm fifty-fifty when required to resolve a problem under high pressure.
  • Articulate issues clearly and concisely that anybody tin can empathize.
  • Be level-headed when assessing situations and suggesting solutions.
  • Conform and listen to other people's perspectives nearly how to resolve issues.

Does not meet expectations

  • Not mind to other people's ideas and opinions.
  • Cannot articulate problems in means that others can understand.
  • Be indecisive when it comes to coming up with solutions.
  • Rush to brand decisions without thinking things through.
  • Fail to monitor progress to ensure that they deliver the desired issue.
  • Not learn from previous successes or failures.
  • Go flustered when facing a tough decision and lashes out at peers or subordinates.
  • Unwilling to interact with others to brainstorm solutions to problems.
  • Fail to provide teams with the advisable amount of structure and management.
  • Bargain with customer-related bug in an unprofessional style.

11. Performance review phrase almost omnipresence and punctuality

Although in that location are many companies that requite employees flexible time, attendance and punctuality are essential to creating a high-functioning workplace. You lot should wait people to go far at piece of work on time or nourish their meetings. Use these phrases to guide your discussion with employees regarding their level of timekeeping, attendance, and punctuality:

Meets expectations

  • Adhere to lunch schedules and breaks.
  • Always call ahead if they are going to be late.
  • Non spend excessive amounts of time on personal telephone calls or chatting in the coffee surface area.
  • Arrive at work looking refreshed and in a positive frame of mind.
  • Start and finish meetings on fourth dimension.
  • Book vacation time well in advance.
  • Willing to put in long hours to get the chore done.
  • Ever come across project deadlines.
  • Ensure out-of-function auto-replies are activated when on vacation or travelling to meetings or conferences.

Does not meet expectations

  • Host meetings that frequently run overtime.
  • Regularly take more than frequent or longer breaks than permitted.
  • Use up all their ill leave days without existence genuinely ill.
  • Oft offer weak excuses for arriving late.
  • Frequently be the commencement to leave the office at the end of the day.
  • Run backside schedule causing meetings to outset late.
  • Neglect to accept or decline email meeting invitations.
  • Usually become offline on communication channels when working from home
  • Spend time on social media sites or playing with their mobile telephone during working hours.

12. Functioning review phrases virtually productivity

To evaluate a person's productivity, you lot need to consider the quality, the quantity of work and the manner they approach a task. Productivity means yous work smarter, not harder. Below are some phrases that will assistance yous gauge a person'south level of productivity:

Meets expectations

  • Evangelize high volumes of piece of work that often exceed expectations.
  • Willing to consummate work that falls outside their formal job description when necessary.
  • Proactively minimize distractions to ensure they tin can focus on specific tasks.
  • Focus on the task at paw and avoid excessive multi-tasking.
  • Monitor their productivity and implement improvements.
  • Seek out means or tools to automate transmission tasks
  • Inspire others with their levels of productivity.
  • Contribute to significantly boosting overall departmental productivity.
  • Understand the link betwixt private productivity and overall company performance.
  • Able to piece of work smarter, not harder.

Does not see expectations

  • Unable to focus their attention for long periods to get the job washed.
  • Set the bar low for ain output goals.
  • Not see the point of focusing on productivity.
  • Do equally little as possible to get by.
  • Distract co-workers, thereby impacting their productivity levels.
  • Not take time to understand expectations upfront.
  • Fails to fully focus on their projects.
  • Become easily distracted by personal issues.
  • Poor time management: fails to complete assigned work on fourth dimension.

Fix to put these phrases into do?

Effective performance reviews are vital if you desire to maximize employee appointment in your business concern.

Recognizing people's efforts and honestly but respectfully addressing their weaknesses can go a long style to optimizing the value they bring to the workplace.

So, why non draw on the list of phrases we've shared in this article to brand your side by side round of performance reviews a positive and effective feel?


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