How Do You Know if Someone Buys Something on Your Amazon Wishlist?

Does Amazon Notify You if Something is Purchased from Your Wish List?

Does Amazon Notify You if Something is Purchased from Your Wish List?

Buying gifts for friends and family is always fun, specially when it's a surprise. Amazon allows you to purchase items and ship them to your friend's firm without them knowing.

However, the items you buy volition appear in the recipient's notifications. If yous want to, yous can disable that feature and proceed your gifts a secret until they finally arrive at the correct address.

Stay with us, and nosotros will explain how everything works.

How Do Wish Lists Work?

Wish lists are like to gift registries. Anyone with an Amazon account can create a Wish List and add items to information technology. Depending on the settings, the user can choose to keep the list individual and send it to a few friends or family members for gifts, or the user tin brand it public and anyone can search and make a purchase.

When someone purchases something on another person'southward wish listing, that item is shipped to the wish listing creator. Nosotros'll go into more detail nearly this beneath, but essentially, a person will only receive notifications if they've set them to send an alert when something on their list is purchased.

If you're considering purchasing a gift on your own Amazon account rather than from their wish listing you can. But, Amazon volition not know that it should remove that item from the list, and therefore someone else may make the exact same purchase.

Sending Gifts

When yous create your Amazon account, you have to enter your address and other details. Every item you buy will be sent to the address you specified during the registration process unless you choose another i. When purchasing items equally gifts, Amazon allows you to enter unlike aircraft addresses and names of the recipients. You tin also add a note with your best wishes and choose a wrapping, so the item gets sent as a real gift. Here is how yous send gifts on Amazon:

  1. Select "This is a gift" earlier you purchase the item.
  2. Add the detail to your cart.
  3. Select "Proceed to checkout."
  4. Enter the accost where you want the gift to be sent. You lot can do that from your address book or manually.
  5. Hit "Ship to this accost."
  6. Select the wrap you lot want past checking the box that says, "Souvenir-wrap this item." You lot tin likewise include a personalized message. Items in the Amazon Global Shop, however, don't come with these options.
  7. Select "Continue." and the item volition be sent to the address you entered.

Amazon needs a few days to send out the items yous've bought as gifts. That leaves you with some time to change your note. If the item didn't enter the shipping process still, become to your account and observe the order yous want to change details to.

Surprise Spoiler Settings

Typically, the person receiving the gift volition get a notification when you enter their name and address in the recipient field which might be a problem if yous want to keep the souvenir a secret and go that surprise gene.

By selecting "Don't spoil my surprises" in the Settings bill of fare, your purchases volition stay a cloak-and-dagger for weeks. The items yous purchased will show as "Unpurchased" on your items list. If you attempt to repurchase them, Amazon volition warn you nigh duplicate items.

Here is what you demand to do to keep your purchases a secret:

  1. Navigate to "Your Lists."
  2. Find the list you want to change filters for.
  3. Hover your cursor over the three dots icon and select "Manage List."
  4. Deselect "Keep purchased items on your list" if you want to brand sure no one knows you purchased a gift.
  5. Select "Don't spoil my surprises" if you don't want the recipients to receive the gift notification.
  6. Select "Salve Changes."

Amazon warns that you have to remain logged into your business relationship if you want this filter to stay on. Otherwise, the recipient could get the notification, and your surprise volition be spoiled.

Other Options for Sending Gifts

Since y'all can send out gifts with personalized messages, you lot can likewise make them a surprise. You can choose to hide the cost on the packing sideslip. If you want the souvenir-wrapped, the packing slip will exist packed in an envelope named "Don't spoil the surprise." Merely the proper name of the recipient and the address volition stay on the exterior of the package.


Some items tin't be wrapped because of their size, shape, or weight. If that's the case, they volition be shipped out in their original packaging. Amazon will inform y'all near that before you purchase it.

However, if you desire it to stay a secret, the recipient volition not be notified. The good thing is that Amazon will tell you if the person you wish to receive the gift already bought the item through his or her profile. That manner, you won't buy something they already have, which is a nice bear upon.

What You lot Can Do If You Share An Amazon Account

It isn't unheard of that someone would want to purchase a gift for someone else in the same household and with the same Amazon business relationship. This is actually much more difficult to pull off considering of the account notification settings.

Let's say you're ordering a gift and you'd like to go on information technology from your significant other, your best bet is to prepare an Amazon Household business relationship where you would receive all of the notifications nonetheless still use the same Prime account. Once ordered, you should place the club in the Archives to continue it subconscious and verify that the recipient of your gift doesn't have text alerts on.

Nosotros have an unabridged article about this hither if you'd like to check it out and get more information on how to society a gift for someone without ruining the surprise.

Surprise Your Friends with the Best Gifts from Amazon

The Amazon online shop has something for everyone. You will surely find something to surprise your friends or family members with. If you want to go on the buy a hugger-mugger, make sure that you check the "Don't spoil my surprises" box. The items you lot bought volition arrive at the location of your selection wrapped, and you can even add together a personalized note for the full event.


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